But the heart wants what the heart wants..


Just scrap everything I said in that last post. Just forget it ever happened. Just forget I ever mentioned that other guy. Just remember J.

There aren’t really enough words for me to describe the events of Saturday night.. The sheer horror and shock and confusion I went through. But I pose a question to you all…

What if the man you loved told you he wanted you, forever?

Not just for the foreseeable, not just until you annoy him, not just while he still wants you. Forever. What do you say? Silly promises can be made by any man. A guy can stand there and tell you you look beautiful or he loves you or he wants to marry you… But when it comes to “The One” it has a whole different meaning. This is what I experienced on Saturday.

So here I am. I’m sat here on his sofa. I’m lying in his bed at night. I’m kissing him and he’s holding me. I’m falling in love all over again with every last detail of him. Though terrified I may be that he will leave just as quickly as he returned, I can’t say no. I refuse to live with ‘what-ifs’ and I would never forgive myself if I lost this chance. 

This is our last good shot at our forever… I only hope they aren’t empty promises. 

I’m off on the pursuit of happiness… I’ll see you on the other side.. 1d3a.

One response to “But the heart wants what the heart wants..

  1. I just truely hope that what you told me happened over the last few days lasts for our enternity. I never thought I’d say this, but he is your ‘Mr Universe’ and although very flawed, you have the most beautiful messed up relationship I’ve ever known 🙂 I love you darling 🙂
    Live your dreams & love your life 😉
    See you soon! ❤

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